Pegasus Astro FocusCube 3 (FC3-UNIV) Fashion

Pegasus Astro FocusCube 3
Introducing the Pegasus Astro FocusCube 3, our cutting-edge solution for achieving fast, reliable, and precise focusing of your telescope in the ever-evolving field of astro-photography. In an era where fast optics and advanced camera devices are essential, maintaining accurate focus is paramount.
Quick Overview
Below features collectively make FocusCube 3 a versatile and user-friendly device for achieving accurate and repeatable focus in astronomy, catering to both automated and manual control preferences.
Fast and Precise Focusing: Swift and accurate focusing for modern telescopes and cameras.
Automated Focusing with Temperature Compensation: Maintains optimal focus by automatically adjusting for temperature changes.
High Torque Stepper Motor: Can lift up to 6 kg even when pointing at zenith.
- Selection of five solid motor couplers, each featuring a different bore size. Allows you to precisely match the coupler to your telescope focuser’s shaft, ensuring a secure and snug fit.
Low Backlash: Minimized play for precise focus v-curve points.
Universal Bracket: Fits various focusers (4mm to 8mm couplers included).
Digital Temperature Sensor: Monitors ambient temperature changes.
USB-C Connectivity: Single cable for power and data.
Wi-Fi Enabled: Hotspot and wireless 2.4GHz client support. Single USB-C Cable. Allowing you to control and monitor focus remotely from your mobile phone.
Web Browser Access: Control via web browser on any device, making it OS-independent.
ASCOM Alpaca Support: Seamless integration with popular software.
Firmware Upgradability: Future-proof with software updates.
Optional External Hand Controller: Ideal for visual observers who prefer manual control.

This versatile Universal bracket features custom-made holes and rails, meticulously designed to ensure seamless integration with any telescope system. Of which :
Baader Diamond Steeltrack
Baader Steeltrack
Explore Scientific Focuser
Askar Telescopes Focusers
MoonLite Focusers
Skywatcher Esprit Series Focuser
StarField Optics Focusers
Starlight Feathertouch Series
Stellarvue Focusers
Takahashi FS-60, TSA-120, Epsilon Focusers
Takahashi FSQ & TOA Focuser
Vixen ED81S
William Optics GT71
William Optics RedCat
Accurate and Repeatable Focus V-Curves with FocusCube 3
Effortless V-Curve Autofocus: A Piece of Cake with FocusCube v3
The V-Curve results achieved with the FocusCube 3 are consistently accurate and reliably repeatable every time the autofocus routine is initiated.
The FocusCube 3 offers a hassle-free “focus and forget” operation, allowing you to set their focus parameters and continue you observations without constant manual adjustments.

Additional Features
Temperature Probe : The FocusCube 3 features an external digital temperature sensor input on the focuser’s side, and it comes with a digital temperature sensor. This sensor can be placed near the focuser, allowing you to monitor the exact temperature of both the focuser and the surrounding environment in real-time through the included software or ASCOM driver.
Expansion Port Manual Focus : FocusCube 3 features an expansion RJ12 port situated at the rear of the enclosure, designed to accommodate the EZY-Focus Hand Controller for manual focus control. This optional accessory allows users to enhance their setup with precise manual focusing capabilities.
ASCOM and INDI support :
Below features collectively make FocusCube 3 a versatile and user-friendly device for achieving accurate and repeatable focus in astronomy, catering to both automated and manual control preferences.
Fast and Precise Focusing: Swift and accurate focusing for modern telescopes and cameras.
Automated Focusing with Temperature Compensation: Maintains optimal focus by automatically adjusting for temperature changes.
High Torque Stepper Motor: Can lift up to 6 kg even when pointing at zenith.- Selection of five solid motor couplers, each featuring a different bore size. Allows you to precisely match the coupler to your telescope focuser’s shaft, ensuring a secure and snug fit.
Low Backlash: Minimized play for precise focus v-curve points.
Universal Bracket: Fits various focusers (4mm to 8mm couplers included).
Digital Temperature Sensor: Monitors ambient temperature changes.
USB-C Connectivity: Single cable for power and data.
Wi-Fi Enabled: Hotspot and wireless 2.4GHz client support. Single USB-C Cable. Allowing you to control and monitor focus remotely from your mobile phone.-
Web Browser Access: Control via web browser on any device, making it OS-independent.
ASCOM Alpaca Support: Seamless integration with popular software.
Firmware Upgradability: Future-proof with software updates.
Optional External Hand Controller: Ideal for visual observers who prefer manual control.
Baader Diamond SteeltrackBaader SteeltrackExplore Scientific Focuser
Askar Telescopes Focusers
MoonLite FocusersSkywatcher Esprit Series FocuserStarField Optics Focusers
Starlight Feathertouch SeriesStellarvue FocusersTakahashi FS-60, TSA-120, Epsilon FocusersTakahashi FSQ & TOA FocuserVixen ED81SWilliam Optics GT71William Optics RedCat-
Temperature Probe : The FocusCube 3 features an external digital temperature sensor input on the focuser’s side, and it comes with a digital temperature sensor. This sensor can be placed near the focuser, allowing you to monitor the exact temperature of both the focuser and the surrounding environment in real-time through the included software or ASCOM driver.
Expansion Port Manual Focus : FocusCube 3 features an expansion RJ12 port situated at the rear of the enclosure, designed to accommodate the EZY-Focus Hand Controller for manual focus control. This optional accessory allows users to enhance their setup with precise manual focusing capabilities.
- ASCOM and INDI support :
Accurate and Repeatable Focus V-Curves with FocusCube 3
Effortless V-Curve Autofocus: A Piece of Cake with FocusCube v3
The V-Curve results achieved with the FocusCube 3 are consistently accurate and reliably repeatable every time the autofocus routine is initiated.
The FocusCube 3 offers a hassle-free “focus and forget” operation, allowing you to set their focus parameters and continue you observations without constant manual adjustments.
Additional Features
This versatile Universal bracket features custom-made holes and rails, meticulously designed to ensure seamless integration with any telescope system. Of which :